The game's main story line is set one year after the events of 2011's Batman: Arkham City and follows Batman, at the peak of his ability, as he confronts the Scarecrow, who has returned to Gotham City to unite Batman's enemies in a plot to finally kill the Dark Knight.
The game introduces Batman's car, the Batmobile, as a derivable vehicle.
Villain Arkham Knight
System Requirements(Minimum)
- Processor: Intel Core i5-750, 2.67 GHz | AMD Phenom II X4 965, 3.4 GHz
- Memory: 6 GB RAM
- Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
- Graphics Memory: 2 GB
- DirectX®: 11
- Network: Broadband Internet Connection Required
- Hard Drive Space: 45 GB
- OS: Win 7 SP1, Win 8.1 (64-bit Operating System Required)
thanks dear aBatman: Arkham Knight